
Hegebush, Christy

Autism and Low Incidence Specialist

Christy Hegebush is the Autism and Low Incidence Specialist for the Arizona Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services. She has worked in the field serving students with Complex Support Needs and Autism for over 20 years as a Special Education Teacher. All of her time in the classroom was spent in Arizona. Christy has her Undergraduate degree from Northern Arizona University in General and Special education, as well as a Masters of Legal Studies from Arizona State University. Christy is passionate about serving all students to ensure they receive the best education possible.


4483 - Learning from our Youth in Career and Technical Education


8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Hilton El Conquistador

  • Interdisciplinary
  • School Counseling

Join ADE and Vocational Rehabilitation for a youth and young adult panel discussion. This session will provide information from schools that have successfully recruited and retained students with disabilities in their CTE programs, and allow students to share their experience with CTE and showcase how CTE influenced the pursuit of their career goals. Participants will leave this session with best practices strategies collected from educators, counselors, and administrators statewide that can be implemented at school sites to increase the inclusion of students with disabilities in CTE programs.