
Ortiz y Davis, Francisco

Marketing Teacher

Francisco Nicolas Ortiz y Davis or Cisco for short is a marketing educator, former CTE director, and former Arizona DECA state advisor in addition to having a wide ranging career in industry from hospitality management, to telecommunications sales and marketing, retail management, and more. Cisco is currently part of the amazing marketing and DECA advisor team at Mountain Ridge High School in the Deer Valley Unified School District.


4721 - AI Innovations in Classroom Revolutionizing Business Marketing Ed


8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Westin La Paloma

  • Business and Marketing Education
  • Interdisciplinary

This workshop is designed to empower high school marketing and business teachers with the knowledge and tools to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their curriculum, creating a dynamic learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and innovation. Participants will explore practical ways to use AI technologies to design engaging lesson plans, interactive activities, and prepare students for DECA and other career and technical student organization competitive events.