
Watkins, Bruce

State Specialist AG, Welding and Vet Tech

The NAAE Ag Teacher Resiliency program was developed as part of the NAAE's Wise & Well Initiatives with the main goal of assisting teachers with building resilience within themselves to ensure success and longevity in the profession. NAAE understands that being an agriculture teacher is demanding but important work, therefore, it is critical to build resilience, especially for challenging times. This program focuses on building resiliency through active learning, self reflection, and engaging in a network of agricultural educators. This program is designed to equip teachers with the tools to maintain a satisfying career through positive and challenging times.


4672 - AATA Opening Session


11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Westin La Paloma

  • Agriculture

Come join us as we kick off our AATA Summer Conference! Join us for a special guest speaker to help us prepare with resiliency for our upcoming school year. This program focuses on building resiliency through active learning, self-reflection, and engaging in a network of agricultural educators. This program is designed to equip teachers with the tools to maintain a satisfying career through positive and challenging times.