
Mrs. Gutierrez, Cynthia

Director, CTE Program Services
Arizona Department Of Education

Cindy Gutierrez serves as the Director for CTE Program Services in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) unit of the Arizona Department of Education. In this position, she leads a team of eight program specialists who oversee all CTE programs across Arizona, which include Agriculture and Welding, Business, Marketing and Communication Technologies, Construction Science Technologies, Engineering, Manufacturing, Information Technologies, Family and Consumer Sciences, Education and Training, Health Science Technologies, and Transportation Technologies, Public Service Careers programs. Cindy served as a Program Specialist for Construction Science Technologies and Transportation Technologies prior to being named as a director. With over 29 years in Education, Cindy began her career in education as a high school Industrial Technology Instructor teaching Drafting, Cabinetmaking, and Construction Technologies. Cindy holds a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education from The University of Arizona and a Master of Education in Career and Technical Education from Northern Arizona University. Cindy is passionate about connecting education with Industry partners to bridge the gap from high school to careers.


ADE Quality and Compliance Training

Date From To
  • 02/05/2025
  • 1:00 PM
  • 4:00 PM

Prescott Resort

Required training for Federal Perkins and CTED Monitoring. Districts being monitored in school year 2025-2026 are required to have at least one district level staff in attendance at this training. Sign-In begins at 12:30 p.m.

Required Monitoring Training for SY 25-26 Districts

Date From To
  • 02/05/2025
  • 1:00 PM
  • 4:00 PM

Prescott Resort

Required training for Federal Perkins and CTED Monitoring. Districts being monitored in school year 2025-2026 are required to have at least one district level staff in attendance at this training. Sign-In begins at 12:30 p.m.

The New Career Clusters - A Working Session on Aligning CTE Programs

Date From To
  • 02/06/2025
  • 3:00 PM
  • 3:50 PM

Prescott Resort

Arizona Department of Education Career and Technical Program Services wants your input on aligning and using the Modernized National Career Clusters® Framework new career clusters within our AZ CTE Programs. What do the clusters represent in your community? How are districts using the new career clusters? What changes are needed at the state and local level to implement the new career clusters? How can ADE CTE help your districts with implementing the new career clusters? Please join our team and share your input.