
Mrs Pena, Andrea


Teacher: Business, Math and HomeEc Take Charge Today training team ACEE Economic teacher of the year nominee


Investing in Yourself: Guiding Students in Career Exp/Skill Dev

Date From To
  • 07/14/2025
  • 10:00 AM
  • 11:30 AM

Westin La Paloma

  • Business and Marketing Education
  • Education and Training

Exploring careers is an essential step in preparing students for their futures and offers educators a unique opportunity to personalize instruction. Participants in this session will learn strategies to uncover career interests, identify pathways to success, and understand the value of lifelong learning. Emphasizing the concept of "investing in yourself," the session explores how developing skills, gaining knowledge, diving deeper into interests, and pursuing additional education/training can lead to meaningful career opportunities inspiring & empower students to take charge of their futures.