
Altemara-Arnold, Sara

Engineering Teacher

Hello! I'm Sara Arnold. I completed a M.S. degree in Physics at UNR. As a physics graduate student I researched optical diagnostics on high energy density plasma. I am currently a PhD student in Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies at the University of Arizona. I have taught Physics at various levels for about a decade, and Engineering at Canyon del Oro High School for the last seven years.


Infrastructure Project: Collaboration Between CTE Programs

Date From To
  • 07/12/2025
  • 1:30 PM
  • 5:00 PM

Westin La Paloma

  • Construction Science Technologies
  • Engineering, Manufacturing

For several years our Engineering and Architecture programs have collaborated on infrastructure projects that includes a presentation by the students to our stakeholders. This session will offer a presentation of the project, tips and tools for working with another CTE program, files, handouts, and a hands-on mini project based on this infrastructure project. Topics of this project include forces on structures, equilibrium, traffic flow, community building, material properties, CAD, modern manufacturing and aesthetics, as well as professional skills in project management and collaboration.