Sessions of 2025 Midwinter Leadership Conference, Feb 5 - 7, 2025: John Scrogham
Scrogham, John
ACOVA President
J O Combs School District #44
ACOVA's Mission ACOVA is the professional association whose mission is to build community, advocacy and leadership for Arizona Career and Technical Education (CTE) Administrators. ACOVA's Objectives Ensure leadership development for all CTE administrators. Provide relevant information on critical issues, research and legislation related to CTE. Provide mentoring opportunities for CTE administrators and support the development of their daily and long-term professional and executive skills. Establish and build a connective support network for CTE administrators. Represent CTE administrators and advocate for CTE critical issues with key stakeholders. Recognize excellence in leadership among CTE administrators. ACOVA is dedicated to the continued support and training of all current and aspiring CTE Administrators because CTE leadership is a journey not a destination. ACOVA's professional development opportunities are offered annually at Camp M&M, mini M&M, the ACOVA Fall Conference and the ACTEAZ/ACOVA Mid-Winter Conference.
ACOVA Executive Committee Meeting
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Prescott Resort
Meeting of ACOVA Executive Committee.
ACOVA Business Meeting
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Prescott Resort
ACOVA is a professional association whose mission is to build community, advocacy and leadership for Arizona Career and Technical Education (CTE) Administrators. The business meeting will include strategic matters, including the secretaries’ report, treasurer report, critical issues, and other business brought before its membership. All attendees are encouraged to attend.
ACOVA Mini Camp M&M
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Prescott Resort
Mini M&M is for new CTE Administrators. Round table discussions and rotation stations will allow participants to learn more about CTE Program Curriculum, Access and Inventory, CTE Program Staffing, Business and Industry Partnerships, Data Driven Decision Making, Career Pathway Development, Work-based Learning, and Career Technical Student Organizations. Tips and tricks for new directors that will assist you in a successful start to the new school year.
ACOVA Critical Issues
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Prescott Resort
ACOVA Critical issues CTE leaders the opportunity to share top priorities and concerns on local and state CTE issues. The results of this collaborative session on current issues are prioritized and become the focus of the ACOVA Board Yearly Program of Work.