
Mr. Bogart, Thomas

Chief Financial Officer
Pima County JTED

Thomas Bogart is a native Tucsonan who is driven to make a difference in the community. Through positive engagement, he creates environments and relationships that add value. Early in his career, Thomas spent much of his time working with the most disadvantaged populations in Arizona. While working at the University of Arizona, he contributed to human-subject research in the areas of education, drug/alcohol dependence, and homelessness. Over the last 15 years, Thomas concentrated his efforts on improving economic development systems in Arizona through Career and Technical Education. He currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer at Pima County JTED. In this role he improves the district's operational capacity to offer purposeful learning opportunities to students of Southern Arizona.


4674 - Navigating Financial Waters: Funding and Profit Management for School-Based Enterprise


10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Hilton El Conquistador

  • Administration

Are you eager to embark on the exciting journey of launching a school-based enterprise (SBE)? Before diving in headfirst, it's crucial to understand what they are, how they are unique to CTE, and how they fit into the CTE delivery model. In this interactive session, we'll explore essential financial topics tailored specifically for aspiring SBE creators. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an educator, this session equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the financial waters with confidence. Join us to unlock the secrets to financial success in school-based enterprise ventures!