
Dr. Ranucci, Jill, Ph.D.

CTE Consultant

Dr. Jill Ranucci is a College and Career Readiness advocate and has an extensive background in Career and Technical Education (CTE) as an administrator and teacher. Dr. Ranucci has held district positions in CTE in Arizona and Texas. Jill consults for several companies to help them align resources to standards, state initiatives, industry credentials/certifications and academic integration. Jill believes every CTE courses must provide premiere curricular resources to promote successful student outcomes. Dr. Ranucci speaks and publishes nationally for educational organizations. Through her leadership, campuses have benefited from rigorous and academically integrated CTE courses.


Deeper Learning Through CTE and Academic Integration

Date From To
  • 07/14/2025
  • 3:30 PM
  • 5:00 PM

Loews Ventana Canyon

  • Administration
  • Interdisciplinary
  • School Counseling

It's time for academic and CTE teachers to break down silos of isolation & work together to support students. Preparing students for a challenging world beyond high school connects academics and skills. Teaching both academic rigor and CTE relevance is a win/win experience. The resulting convergence helps students improve their performance. Dr. Jones & Dr. Ranucci published a resource that describes successful models to stimulate thinking about adding more relevance to academics. This session will describe the reasons why CTE Academic integration is essential for connecting CTE and Academics.

The Future of Academic Esports-Educators Perspectives and CTSOs

Date From To
  • 07/15/2025
  • 1:30 PM
  • 3:00 PM

Westin La Paloma

  • Administration
  • Engineering, Manufacturing
  • Information Technologies

Global competition for in-demand tech related careers is at an all-time high and will continue to increase as the world ideologies, environmental factors, and high-tech globalization flourishes. Students deserve choices in careers and emerging technologies, marketing and future businesses related to academic esports offer diverse and equitable workforce skills. Professional skills gleaned from these experiences include problem solving, teamwork, collaboration, communication and a plethora of skills mastery which leads to certification in a variety of wide-ranging careers.