
Mr. Gilbert, Matt, M.ED, M.EDL

Assistant Principal
Dysart Unified School District

Matthew Gilbert is an assistant principal in the Dysart Unified School District and adjunct professor at Ottawa University. With a masters in education as well as educational leadership from NAU. Mr. Gilbert has dedicated his career to advancing knowledge in education, leadership and behavior. His background and areas of focus have been on leadership and behavior in schools. Mr. Gilbert has over 14 years of experience in higher education, teaching, coaching, mentoring and leading in three different districts. He is committed to fostering an engaging and inclusive learning environment, encouraging students to develop critical thinking and a passion for leadership and behavior in schools. In addition to teaching and research, Mr. Gilbert actively participates in CTE, ESS and leadership groups. He has received fellowships in CTE, as well as teacher of the month and employee of the year in recognition of their contributions to the field.


The Future is Now: The Growth of CTE Through the Lens of K-8

Date From To
  • 07/15/2025
  • 8:00 AM
  • 9:30 AM

Loews Ventana Canyon

  • Interdisciplinary

This engaging session is crafted for any educator who wants to inspire and engage students about career literacy and Career and Technical Education (CTE) earlier. Together, we’ll dive into the benefits of introducing career-driven education at the middle school level, tangible steps to do it, and resources.