
Brown Evans, Liz

VP of Teacher Engagement

Liz is an experienced marketing professional in the education space and truly believes our world is a better place when young people have access to business education that inspires them. She believes that with engaging content, world-class support, and no small amount of caffeine we can empower teachers and students to change the business world. She is also a new mom, dog-lover, mediocre runner, and prefers tea over coffee.


4531 - Biz Courses, Bellringers, & Balance Sheets (vendor session)


8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Westin La Paloma

  • Business and Marketing Education

BusinessU now offers AZ standards-based reporting & a weekly Bellringer series based on current events and case studies! BusinessU is a standards-based, interactive curriculum platform with full-year courses including Marketing, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, Accounting, Intro to Business, Economics, Management, and Finance. Each course provides lessons based on standards, video content presented from a group of young, diverse entrepreneurs, and also various assessments, projects, discussions, and exams. This session is presented by BusinessU.

4581 - Biz Courses, Bellringers, & Balance Sheets (vendor session)


1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Westin La Paloma

  • Business and Marketing Education

BusinessU is a standards-based, interactive curriculum platform with full-year courses. Each course provides lessons based on standards, video content presented from a group of young, diverse entrepreneurs, and various summative (auto-graded) and formative (individual and group activities) assessments, projects, discussions, & exams. The platform also includes a weekly bellringer video resource based on current events and case studies. Fully integrated with Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology and MS Teams. This session is presented by BusinessU.