Welcome to ACTEAZ Registration Management System!

Create Account

Create a user account at ACTEAZ!
Type your email address and click Check button. Then you can go to the next step and fill out the fields that will appear. After submitting you will be automatically signed in and can begin your work.

Email Address

Please enter your email address. This will be used as primary email contact and your username for logging in in ACTEAZ Systems.

By creating an account you agree with subscribing to ACTEAZ newsletters. You can unsubscribe within the first newsletter, with the unsubscribe link in the footer section of the email.

Personal Information

Type your password.
Tip: you can use upper- and lowercase, numbers and symbols for your password to be more secure!

To ensure you have typed your password correctly, please type it again.

Please enter your first name here.

Please enter your last name here.

Organization / School District

Choose your employer organization or your school district

